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The Vendors Hub™ (“The Vendors Hub,” “we,” or “us”) is committed to protecting your privacy, and we want to be open and transparent with how we process your personal data. This notice describes our privacy policy, which is designed to advise you about how we collect, process, use, and protect the personal information you provide to us. By visiting this site, you consent to the collection, use, and transfer of your personal data for processing in the United Kingdom as described in this Privacy Policy.

We may provide links to other websites. This Privacy Policy does not apply to information collected on or through any such third-party websites, and those parties may have their own privacy policies that we recommend you review.

For all of our services, the data controller is The Vendors Hub.

How we collect and use your information

We collect and use your information in a number of different ways and for a number of different purposes, depending on the information. You don’t have to provide us with any personal information, but if you don’t, you may not get to take advantage of all our services. We collect your information and use it in the following ways:

  • Account Registration: we collect the name and e-mail you provide us when registering for an account. If you choose to, you can provide more information to us once you create an account, but you are not obligated to do so. We use this information to:
    • Send you information by e-mail or through our own messaging platform to keep you up-to-date. We only send you informational or promotional communications with your permission.
    • Prevent and detect fraud against either you or The Vendors Hub.
    • Show you The Vendors Hub ads as you browse the web. We do this so you can see our relevant properties and deals.
    • We don’t currently do so, but in the future we may use your name or e-mail to remember your preferences to create a better, more personally-tailored user experience.
  • Vendor Submission: we require to you have a registered account with us before you can submit as a vendor. We also collect information about the vendor you submit, such as the name, location, and website. We use this information to:
    • Allow us to review the vendor if we choose.
    • Send you information by e-mail or through our own messaging platform to keep you up-to-date on both our potential review of your vendor, as well as informational or promotional communications.
  • Information about your device and how you use our website: this includes your IP address and device type, as well as how you use our website. We use this information to:
    • Improve our website to give you the best possible experience.
    • Protect our website to prevent and detect fraud against you or us.

Sharing your information

The privacy and protection of your information is important to us. We do not make any personal information available to third parties without your permission. We do not, and will not, sell your personal data to a third party.

However, your data may be shared with the following parties as an essential part of being able to provide our services to you:

  • Companies approved by you, such as social media sites approved by you if you link those profiles.
  • Law enforcement or other governmental officials as we deem necessary to comply with applicable law.

We may provide third parties with aggregated but anonymised information and analytics about our users, but we will make sure that it does not identify you before we share any information.

Transfers of Your Personal Data to Other Countries

The information The Vendors Hub collects, including registration, is housed on servers in Europe. If you are located outside of the Europe, please be aware that information we collect will be processed and stored in the Europe, and the data protection and privacy laws in the Europe may offer a lower level of protections than in your country or region.

By using our website and submitting your information, you agree to the transfer, storage, and/or processing of such information in Europe. Where and as required, we will seek your explicit consent as outlined in this Privacy Policy


We use security software to protect the confidentiality of your personal information. In addition, our business practices are reviewed periodically for compliance with policies and procedures governing the security and confidentiality of our information. Our business practices limit employee access to confidential information and limit the use and disclosures of such information to authorised persons.

Further, your access to some services and content is password-protected. We advise that you do not disclose your password to anyone. In addition, we recommend you sign out of password-protected services at the end of your session.

Marketing Messages

If you opt-in, we’ll send you marketing messages via e-mail to keep you aware and up-to-date of what we’re up to and help you see and find our vendors.

If you want to stop receiving marketing messages from The Vendors Hub, you can do so at any time by clicking on the “unsubscribe” link in any e-mail we have sent you. You also may contact us at to request such e-mails to stop. It might take us a few days for all our systems to be updated, so you might receive a few messages from us after you unsubscribe.

Venue Report Advertisements

We engage in online advertising, and, like many other companies, we target The Vendors Hub banners and ads to you when you are on other websites. To accomplish this, we use advertising technologies, including tracking pixels and cookies. These ads are based on information we store about you or your previous use of The Vendors Hub™ or previously clicked-on The Vendors Hub™ ads and banners.

Storing your information

Your information will be stored for as long as you have an account with us, or as long as it is needed to provide our services to you.

Any information stored longer is for a purpose that is reasonably necessary or as required by law or regulations, resolving disputes, preventing fraud and abuse, or enforcing our terms and conditions.

Your rights

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) provides for certain rights to protect the privacy of EU citizens. Specifically:

1) Right to access: you have the right to request information about your personal data held by us at any time. You can contact The Vendors Hub at to request such information.

2) Right to rectification: you have the right to request the correction of inaccurate personal information we hold about you. If you have a The Vendors Hub account, you can update or edit your personal information through your account settings.

3) Right to erasure: you have the right to requests that we delete your data.

4) Right to object to processing: You have the right to object to the processing of your personal information that is based on The Vendors Hub’s legitimate interest. We will discontinue to process such personal information unless we are able to demonstrate legitimate grounds for the processing that overrides your interest and rights or due to legal claims.

5) Right to object to direct marketing: you have the right stop direct marketing messaging and to withdraw consent for other content-based processing at any time. You can opt-out of direct marketing by following the instructions in each marketing e-mail, or by contacting us.

6) Right to portability: you have the right to request that we transfer or port elements of your personal data either to you or another service provider.

7) Right to complain to a supervisory authority: If you believe The Vendors Hub is processing your personal information in an incorrect way, please contact us. You also have the right to raise a complaint to your data protection regulator.

Please contact us with any complaints, questions, or if you want to exercise any of your rights.

You can request access to all your personal information by sending an e-mail to 


We use cookies when you visit our site. Cookies are pieces of information that are transferred to your computer from a web server. Most browsers are set up to accept cookies, but you can change your settings to have your browser notify you when you receive a new cookie or to refuse to accept cookies.

There are various types of cookies, and we use each type for different reasons. Set out below are the types of cookies and how and why we use them:

1) Session ID cookies: these cookies expire when a browser is closed. These cookies are used to check if you are logged in.

2) Persistent cookies: these cookies remain on your hard drive for an extended period of time. We use persistent cookies to enable us to track and target the interests of our users to enhance their experience on our site, including storing our details if you select “Remember Me” when you log in.

3) First- and third-party cookies: first-party cookies store information in the user’s computer that is created by the website, while third-party cookies are placed on a user’s hard disk by a website from a domain other than the one a user is visiting. We use these cookies to collect statistics and user data in aggregate and individual form in analysis tools to optimise our site and to present you with relevant marketing material. We also use third-party cookies that perform cross-site tracking in order for use to provide you with marketing on other sites.

By using our site, you are agreeing to us placing these types of cookies on your device and accessing them.


This website does not provide services or sell products to children under the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18, you may use this website only with the involvement of a parent or guardian.

Changes to Privacy Policy

If our Privacy Policy or procedures change, we will post those changes to this page. Any such changes will be effective immediately upon being posted, unless otherwise stated in the change.

Any material change will be clear on our website, or we may contact you by other means, such as email, so that you are able to review the changes before continuing to use The Vendors Hub.

Contact us

You can contact us at any time to:

  • Request access to information The Vendors Hub™ has about you
  • Correct any information that The Vendors Hub has about you
  • Delete information that The Vendors Hub has about you

If you have any additional questions about our collection and storage of data, please contact us at:


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