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Deborah Lola


"Deborah Lola is a qualified and professional hair stylist with over a decade experience in the hair and beauty industry and has extensive experience working with Afro-Caribbean hair." --- Deborah Lola
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Known for championing inner confidence and beauty through a personalised service, Deborah Lola's styling career makes it easy for her to build rapport and make women celebrate their own hair. Working with real women on their wedding day, as well as being a go to for commercial and editorial sets. Deborah is also a qualified hair educator within a school. Strong portfolio experience shows Deborah working with 3a – 4c hair types, enhancing & defining hair textures, shapes and curl patterns. Her work can be seen on advertising campaign with Converse, Superdrugs, Mayo Clinic Health, Netflix and many more. She's also been featured on Flanelle Magazine, Fucking Young Magazine, Noctis magazine, Hitched UK, Buzzfeed, Glamour and many more.
Price range: ££ - £££
Event Types: Weddings | Editorials | Corporate
Availability: International
Hair Styling | Hair Workshops | Hair Products
Press | Awards | Testimonials
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